In the real estate domain, securing commercial clientele is the number one way to ratchet up every facet of your business. This requires you to make sure that your name has maximum visibility, so that as high-value clients begin to trickle in, you will have the starting elements necessary to cause your network to grow at a geometric rate. In the following, we’ll list a few methods to help you attain this goal.
Use the Web to Find Commercial Real Estate Databases
LinkedIn is a start, certainly, but we’re talking about more focused databases. Create a comprehensive profile, and seek out professional institutions such as Certified Commercial Investment Member. Similarly, LoopNet invites real estate agents that fulfill their requirements to list their resumes and pertinent accolades and credentials to their online database. Commercial clients frequent this database frequently when they are searching for property to sell, lease or purchase.
Mentor-ship: An Overlooked Attribute
With decades in the game, there are quite a few extremely successful real estate brokers with client lists of unmanageable size; more importantly, they are wellsprings of information. Locate some of these excellent brokers, gather information on one and approach him or her for mentorship. Of course, make sure that the relationship is mutually beneficial in some way – you have to bring something to the table in a competitive endeavor.
Website Creation and Social Network Activity
Not only should you create a website to have an online presence and marketplace for your services/products – but you absolutely need a blog in order to establish yourself as a thought-leader. You can then use analytics to locate topics of interest, and then pen articles on them for the benefit of your waiting public.
To bolster the above even more, having a social media presence will make it that much easier to pick questions up, and use these to pen blog posts that are virtually certain to be well-received. You can truly propel yourself into the upper echelons of the commercial real estate client sphere by addressing the needs of your prospective clients better than anyone else.